6 homesteading podcasts to add to your playlist


Nothing makes daily chores go by faster than having an interesting podcast playing in the background. Even better, homesteading podcasts will keep you entertained while inspiring you to think about your next projects.

A podcast is series of regularly-updated audio stories on a specific topic that are made available on the Internet to download and listen. Podcast are generally free, and accessing them is as simple as subscribing to the feed through iTunes or through a mobile podcast app like Stitcher. Here are 6 homesteading-related podcasts that you can enjoy right now.

The Urban Farm Podcast

For city dwelling homesteaders looking to grow their own food, this thrice weekly podcast is a must-listen. Host Greg Peterson chats with expert guests, which include such famous names like musician Jason Mraz and blogger Lisa Steele, about how — and why — we should grow food in urban areas. Each episode is chock-full of fun conversation, informative discussions and handy tips on how to get new projects started in your urban homestead. Recent episodes cover topics including urban beekeeping, worm farming, soil health and more.

Subscribe and download episodes on iTunes and Stitcher.

Mountain Woman Radio

Homesteaders who are curious about off-grid living will enjoy the audio musings of Tammy Trayer, homesteader and blogger at Trayer Wilderness. Trayer hosts a weekly podcast about living with her family off-grid from her home in Northern Idaho. She covers topics mostly related to wilderness survival and primitive skills, but she also has episodes about goal-setting, self-motivation and clean eating. Her podcast and blog also offer glimpses into her experience managing an off-grid homestead while raising and homeschooling her autistic son, Austin, who has his own blog called Mountain Boy Journals.

Subscribe and download episodes on iTunes and Stitcher.

Modern Homesteading

Host Harold Thornbro, an urban homesteader who runs the blog Small Town Homestead, created this podcast to cover “all things homesteading,” and it certainly lives up to that goal. Each episode, Thornbro picks a topic and breaks down everything you need to know to get started with that project on your homestead. Every so often, he also has guests to discuss their homesteading experience. Thornbro has covered topics ranging from living in a tiny house and homesteading with children to winterizing chicken coops and reusing coffee grounds

Subscribe and download episodes on iTunes and Stitcher.

Pioneering Today

Looking to be more self-sufficient with your food? Melissa K. Norris, a fifth generation homesteader and blogger at Pioneering Today, hosts a podcast by the same name about how live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle by growing, preparing and preserving your own food. Norris delved into the nitty gritty behind sourdough, root cellars, natural medicine, foraging and more. She’s all about using old-fashioned skills on the modern homestead — a concept we very much appreciate.

Subscribe and download episodes on iTunes and Stitcher.

Living Homegrown

Canning expert and PBS TV producer Theresa Loe is an expert on how to ferment, preserve, grow and raise your own food in limited spaces. The Living Homegrown blog and podcast covers a variety of topics about sustainable living relevant to small-scale homesteaders (Loe even has an episode about organizing your homestead using the popular KonMari method). The weekly podcast alternates between Loe’s voice alone and interviews with other prominent figures in the DIY food movement.

Subscribe and download episodes on iTunes and Stitcher.

Organic Gardener

The Organic Gardener podcast recruits farming experts in many different areas — including beekeeping, herbs and composting — to share their stories, tips, and tricks about the various ways food can be grown. Whether you have a small bed in your backyard or a stable farming operation, the podcast is designed to broaden your horizons about the ways that farmers are approaching everyday gardening challenges.

Subscribe and download episodes on iTunes and Stitcher.

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