Thomas Jefferson kept a garden journal, and you can, too
A garden journal, or garden record book, is a place to log the seeds you use, where and when you plant, the…
How to make sourdough starter
Many bakers have treasured sourdough starters that have been passed down for generations. For homesteaders who…
Raining indoors? 10 videos to help you with DIY roof repair
Your roofer might be perfectly friendly, competent and well-intentioned, but roof repair can be painfully…
What you need to know about vermicompost
Don’t throw out those used coffee grounds
Most folks can’t get by without that cup of morning joe. But when you’re done brewing, don’t toss those used…
Elderberry benefits and how to make elderberry syrup
Folks swear by elderberry benefits, which are said to include reduction of nasal congestion and swelling and the…
USDA launches program to help backyard poultry keepers with biosecurity
How to start an indoor vegetable garden
Believe it or not, you don’t need a greenhouse to grow crops indoors. Whether you are a city dweller pressed for…
Why some choose manual kitchen tools over electric
Back in the days before household electricity, manual kitchen tools were kitchen staples. Hand crank egg beaters,…
7 holiday gift ideas for farm kids
The holidays are just around the corner, and shopping season is in full swing. Whether you celebrate Christmas,…
How to shop winter farmers’ markets
Fresh, local produce can seem scarce in the winter. Though many farmers markets close in the winter months, some…
What happens to bees in winter?
Ever wonder about bees in winter? One of the biggest challenges facing beekeepers in northern climates is keeping…