What hardiness zones mean and how to determine yours
How to make hummingbird food
Forget the pricy colored water at the store, hummingbird food is easy to make and use in hummingbird feeders.
How to grow an avocado tree from an avocado pit
Curious about growing avocado trees? Before you toss the avocado pit, consider growing your own with this easy!-->…
You’re putting your insect repellent on wrong
Homesteading skills for sustainability
Before the bee packets arrive, prepare for your beehive
April’s spring showers bring the May flowers and May brings the packaged honey bees that will pollinate and feed!-->…
9 handy videos to help with your spring repairs
9 natural spring cleaning hacks we love
6 gardening apps for planning your plantings
Do you eat the rainbow? Here’s what produce colors mean for your nutrition
Are wooly Mangalitsa pigs right for your homestead?
Should you experiment with hugelkultur in your garden?
Most gardeners are accustomed to using a single method of gardening, maybe a plot or a raised bed. There are so!-->…