A farm by any other name is still a lot of hard work
Ask any four or five people to define “farming” and you will, in all likelihood, get four or five different!-->…
What you should know about cleaning with hydrogen peroxide
I tried smoking meat. Here’s how it went.
Congratulations are in order, readers. This week, I celebrated my one year anniversary at Hello Homestead and the!-->…
5 Candy alternatives for trick-or-treaters
How to start homesteading in New Hampshire
My cats are adventure cats
I thought my second planting of peas failed. I was wrong … maybe.
Feral livestock like hogs can cause environmental, crop damage
Escaped and loose livestock are common on working farms and ranches. Sometimes, a critter can remain on the run!-->…
I tried making sourdough starter from scratch. Here’s how it went.
When I lived in the Bay Area, I would take the train to San Francisco every Friday for a long walk along the!-->…
Forget eggs, the real bonus of chickens is the entertainment they provide
What vegetable gardening taught me this year
I tried to make pallet wood wall art. Here’s how it went.
I see art in everything. I have a blue enamelware spoon hanging on the wall of my kitchen. A cleaned jar of salsa!-->…