April is homesteading skills month on Hello Homestead!

Welcome to Homesteading Skills month on Hello Homestead! This month we’re bringing you a variety of new how-tos and tips so that you can build the skills needed to run a successful homestead and live sustainably.
We’ve got an excellent line up of stories from our staff and from guest writers who are experienced in the skills. We cannot wait to share all the posts with you. Every day (Monday through Friday) at 9am during the month of April, you’ll find a new post featuring a different skill or knowledge set that’s important to living a self-sufficient life.
What are homesteading skills?
These are skills needed for a self-sufficient life. In other words, these are what you need to know to live off the land, garden, cook, care for your animals, forage and live in a way that’s gentle on the Earth. There’s a little something for everyone included.
How will this series help me?
Whether you want to start a homestead or are looking for skills to be an even more successful and self-sufficient homesteader, this series will help. We’re writing about everything from cooking and canning to growing crops to raising goats and milking cows. Even if you already know how to do some of the things we’ll cover, you might just learn something new.
Where can I find it?
Right here on HelloHomestead.com, of course! Check in daily on weekdays during the month of April to see what new skill we’re writing about
You can also find the posts shared on social media on our Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram and Pinterest. Or subscribe to our weekly newsletter to get a digest of all our posts.
Who’s writing it?
The staff of Hello Homestead — that’s Sam Schipani, Julia Bayly, Aislinn Sarnacki and myself, Sarah Walker Caron — along with some excellent guest bloggers. We’ll introduce them as the month progresses.
When does it start?
Today! In fact, you might have already seen our first skill piece: How to make yogurt. Up tomorrow: How to make natural cleaners.
We’re so excited to share this useful series with you this month. We do hope if you like the posts, you will share them so more people can learn to live a more sustainable life.