5 recipes for homemade dish soap


Whether you’re worried about the chemicals that seep into your land through your septic tank, you’re into saving money, or you just like customizing your consumables for fun, homemade dish soap is easy to prepare, even if you use a dishwasher. Here are five recipes for making your own.

DIY dish soap is easy to make. Sponges less so, but just use a rag. | Sasiistock/iStock/Getty
  1. Homemade Liquid Dish Soap Recipe
    Jen from Wyoming — a/k/a The Prairie Homestead — hacked away at making her own homemade dish soap until she nailed the texture, consistency, and grease-cutting effectiveness. Downside: the recipe means using bar soap shavings, so either you can make her bars first, or you end up using leftovers from store-bought bar soap. Upside: she provides specific recipes for different scent combinations.

  2. DIY Dish Soap That Actually Works
    Christina’s recipe at The Hippy Homemaker points out that essential oils don’t always keep stable in homemade dish soap, so her recipe includes a little kosher salt. Smart.

  3. Fresh Lemon Homemade Dishwasher Detergent
    Into the cheap-and-homemade, but still can’t get excited about spending 45 minutes cleaning up after yourself after every … single … dinner? Bren Did has you covered. No bar soap required — this remarkable recipe’s just lemons, water, vinegar, and salt.

  4. Clean Up with these Homemade Dishwasher Soap Tablets
    For the folks in the crowd who are hooked on dishwasher soap in solid form, Kris Bordessa at Attainable Sustainable cooked up a recipe for use with essential oils. We appreciate the flexibility because sometimes you feel like lemon or peaches thrown in, and sometimes you don’t.

  5. Homemade Dishwashing Liquid
    This is a great tip that’ll help you stretch dish soap you already have. Remember mixing baking soda and vinegar as a kid, and watching it bubble? The resulting mixture can help you make the most of the last few drops of your bottle of Dr. Bronner’s. Who knew?

    Not really homemade, but still a handy trick if you’re a skinflint.

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